We collaborate and organise events in ecological, social and economic contexts to design, implement and disseminate Functional Forests. In our relationships, we endeavour to find formulas that nourish the lives of all parties.

We prepared a delicious breakfast full of energy and vitamins from our Functional Forests products for the 6th TED Boulder Cup competitors in Istanbul!
Bouldering, a branch of rock climbing, is an Olympic sport that requires physical and mental fitness as well as athletic technique. In this sport, in which Sunay, one of our team members, is also interested, many athletes from our country perform well in national and international competitions.
Our main motivation in supporting the competition is to bring together the nutritious and clean food we produce with the Functional Forests methodology with the athletes. Today, more and more conscious athletes care not only about the taste and performance impact of sports nutrition, but also about the production process from farm to fork. We look forward to joining them at the TED Boulder Cup.
We would also like to thank the TED Boulder Cup team for including us in this event.